Are you looking for delicious Instant Pot Dessert Recipes? We have you covered with everything from cheesecake to cherry cobbler and apple crisp to monkey bread. There is an instant pot recipe for everyone on this list!
Before we jump into the list of instant pot desserts, I’m going to answer some frequently asked questions about cooking desserts in the instant pot. We hope these little tips are helpful to you as you experiment with making dessert in your pressure cooker.
Yes. We love making individual desserts using ramekins in the instant pot. Just divide up your chosen recipe into 4 ramekins. Wrap them tightly with foil and place them in the instant pot over a trivet and 1 cup of water. You will need to stack the ramekins to make them fit.
Please note that you will need to cut the cooking time down if dividing up a recipe as the smaller portions will cook faster.
Glass, aluminum, silicone, and ceramic pans. The most important thing to keep in mind is it will need to fit inside the pot. We recommend looking for 7-inch wide pans for your instant pot. Here are a few of our favorites:
Yes. Glass baking dishes like Pyrex work well in the instant pot.
Any brand of springform pan may be used. However, it must fit inside your instant pot. For 6 and 8-quart instant pots, you will need a 7-inch spring form pan. If cooking with an instant pot mini, you will need a 6-inch springform pan.
Yes. We regularly use foil in our instant pot recipes. We use it both to cover pots inside the instant pot and to create a foil sling to easily lift pans out of the instant pot after cooking.